Pastor Kevin grew up in Independence, Louisiana where he met his high school sweetheart, Lisa. They’ve been married for over 35 years and in Pastor Kevin’s words, “My wife is a most precious treasure to the Body of Christ and the most beautiful and amazing helpmate that a pastor could ever hope for! I married WAY over my head for sure!” They have three children, Joshua, Caleb, and Hannah. Pastor Kevin felt called to full time ministry at the age of 23 and stepped out in faith, believing that God would guide his steps. After serving as a local pastor for five years and then traveling as a revivalist for another five years, God placed a vision in his heart to plant a church that would be called Eagle Heights. Eagle Heights held its first service on January 30, 2000 in Pastor Kevin’s home. God is so faithful, and over the years He has continued to grow the church and provide for our every need. Pastor Kevin and his precious wife Lisa have faithfully served and ministered to the wonderful congregation of Eagle Heights for over 20 years now. We are so thankful for all that the Lord has done and we are filled with great expectation as we wait to see all the good that God has in store, not only for our church, but the Body of Christ worldwide!

Our vision has always been for Eagle Heights to be a place where anyone can worship with us and feel right at home. No matter what your church background is, we welcome you! Loving God and Loving People is more than a mission statement to us, it is the culture that we desire to create, the atmosphere we desire for our church! One of Pastor Kevin’s greatest joys is being able to serve alongside his family. Josh and his wife Sarah, Caleb and his wife Bethany, Hannah and her husband Kohl, are all in full-time ministry at Eagle Heights. Having grown up in the church, their desire is to serve, love, and grow the Body of Christ, and to help you in any way they can! A few of Pastor Kevin’s other favorite things are playing with his grand-babies (Alyse, Ella Kate, Emmy Rose, Luke, Eva and Cali), cutting grass on his John Deere, and eating Gold Medal Ribbon ice cream – a little too often!